Kirin Magazines – Injection Molded


Part of the Kirin Pre-order, these will be shipped when those arrive in March (fingers crossed the shipping boat doesn’t catch fire)

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Injection molded magazines for the Kirin Bolt action platform, a direct upgrade from the existing magazines used in the Flypoint and Wrenfield platforms, these mags can be used in place of the older printed magazines and holds 7 rounds. Available in 3 different clear colors, you’ll be able to easily see and count the remaining ammo in the mags. Additionally, due to their injection molded nature, these are much less prone to cracking and damage from drops and tosses, so feel free to practice all your tactical speed reloads. These mags also still work with both the newer injection molded shells as well as the older 3d printed shells.

However, currently there are some caveats in them that are being ironed out to consider before buying any of these for anything besides the Kirin. While they are direct replacements and can fit and fire within those blasters, they have some issues such as:

  1. These mags don’t enable the slide lock function on the Flypoint pistols, so the slide will not lock back after the last round is fired.
  2. The spacing of the magazine’s body and bumper are also a bit tighter than expected, so a full 7 round magazine may not easily fit within a loaded blaster. But it will fit fine if the bolt is currently open when the magazine is inserted. However, if the magazines are loaded with 6 rounds, then they will fit within all blasters in any state just fine, but you will loose that 7th round capacity.


This order does not come with shells.


Additional information

Weight .2 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 3 in


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